Heartgard Plus Chewables Small Dogs up to 25lbs (Blue)


Heartgard Plus: Ivermectin, Pyrantel

Nuheart: Ivermectin

Nuheart’s Manufacturer




Keeping Your Pup Safe: A Look at Heartgard Plus Chews (Small Dogs)

Heartworm disease is a serious, potentially life-threatening condition that affects dogs. Thankfully, there are effective preventative measures available, and Heartgard Plus Chews for Small Dogs (Blue) is a popular and veterinarian-recommended choice. This article dives into everything you need to know about Heartgard Plus Chews, including its uses, benefits, and how it protects your furry friend. Heartgard Plus Chewables for Dogs

What is Heartgard Plus (Small Dogs)?

Heartgard Plus is a monthly chewable medication that tackles multiple internal parasites in dogs. It’s available in various strengths based on your dog’s weight, with the blue packaging specifically designed for small dogs weighing up to 25 pounds. This tasty, beef-flavored chew offers a convenient solution for preventing heartworm disease and controlling roundworms and hookworms. Heartgard Plus Chewables for Dogs

How Does Heartgard Plus Work?

Heartguard Plus for Dogs
Heartgard Plus contains two key ingredients:

  • Ivermectin: This broad-spectrum antiparasitic medication works by killing heartworm larvae and preventing them from maturing into adult heartworms. It also disrupts the nervous system of roundworms and hookworms, leading to their paralysis and death.
  • Pyrantel Pamoate: This ingredient targets and eliminates adult roundworms and hookworms from your dog’s intestinal tract.

Benefits of Heartgard Plus Chews (Small Dogs):

  • Effective Heartworm Prevention: Heartgard Plus provides reliable protection against heartworm disease for a full month, preventing larvae from developing into adult worms that can cause severe heart damage.
  • Treats and Controls Roundworms and Hookworms: This medication effectively tackles existing roundworm and hookworm infestations, ensuring your dog’s digestive system is free of these harmful parasites.
  • Convenient and Easy to Administer: The tasty chewable format makes Heartgard Plus simple and enjoyable for most dogs to take. No need for messy pills or struggles!
  • Safe for Puppies and Breeding/Pregnant Dogs: When used according to the veterinarian’s instructions, Heartgard Plus is safe for puppies as young as 6 weeks old and can be administered to breeding, pregnant, or lactating dogs.
  • Broad Spectrum Protection: Heartgard Plus offers a one-stop solution for preventing heartworm disease and controlling common intestinal parasites, simplifying your dog’s parasite prevention routine.

Who Should Use Heartgard Plus Chews (Small Dogs)?

Heartgard Plus Chews (Small Dogs) are ideal for puppies and small dogs weighing up to 25 pounds who live in areas where mosquitoes (the carriers of heartworm) are present. Heartgard Plus Chewables for Dogs

If you’re a pet owner with a small dog, here’s how Heartgard Plus Chews (Small Dogs) can be the solution for your pet’s parasite prevention needs:

  • Convenient, monthly heartworm protection: No more worrying about missed doses or remembering to administer medication daily. Heartgard Plus provides month-long protection with a single tasty chew.
  • Combats multiple parasites: This single medication tackles both heartworm and intestinal parasites, simplifying your dog’s parasite prevention regimen.
  • Safe and effective: When used as directed, Heartgard Plus is safe for puppies, breeding dogs, and pregnant/lactating dogs.
  • Veterinarian-recommended: This trusted brand is a popular choice among veterinarians due to its effectiveness and safety profile.

Important Considerations:

Before starting your dog on Heartgard Plus, it’s crucial to consult your veterinarian. Here’s what you should discuss:

  • Your dog’s weight and overall health: This will help determine the appropriate dosage of Heartgard Plus.
  • Heartworm testing: In some cases, your veterinarian might recommend a heartworm test before starting your dog on Heartgard Plus.

Possible Side Effects:

While generally safe, Heartgard Plus might cause some mild side effects in rare cases, such as vomiting or diarrhea. These usually resolve within 24 hours. If you notice any concerning side effects in your dog, consult your veterinarian immediately. Heartgard Plus Chewables for Dogs

Dosage and Administration:

Heartgard Plus should be administered monthly at the recommended dose based on your dog’s weight. It’s best to follow your veterinarian’s specific instructions for dosage and administration.

Here are some additional tips for using Heartgard Plus Chews:

  • Give the chew directly to your dog or crumble it into their food.
  • Administer the chew on an empty stomach or with a small amount of food for optimal absorption.
  • Keep the chews out of reach of children and pets.

Heartgard Plus vs. Nuheart

Nuheart is another brand of heartworm preventative medication containing Ivermectin as the active ingredient. While both medications offer heartworm protection, here’s a key difference:

  • Heartgard Plus contains both Ivermectin and Pyrantel Pamoate, providing protection against heartworm disease, roundworms, and hookworms.
  • Nuheart only contains Ivermectin, offering protection solely against heartworm disease.

Therefore, Heartgard Plus provides broader spectrum protection against internal parasites compared to Nuheart.

FAQs about Heartgard Plus Chews (Small Dogs):

Can I get Heartgard Plus over the counter?

No, Heartgard Plus is a prescription medication and requires a veterinarian’s authorization.

How much does Heartgard Plus cost?

The cost of Heartgard Plus can vary depending on the number of chews in a pack and your location. It’s best to consult your veterinarian for pricing information.

Are there any alternatives to Heartgard Plus?

Yes, there are other heartworm preventative medications available. However, discussing the best option for your dog with your veterinarian is crucial.

What happens if I miss a dose of Heartgard Plus?

If you miss a dose, administer the medication as soon as possible and resume the monthly schedule. Don’t give your dog a double dose to compensate for the missed one.

Can Heartgard Plus cause allergic reactions?

While uncommon, some dogs might experience allergic reactions to Heartgard Plus. Signs include itching, hives, or facial swelling. If you notice such symptoms, consult your veterinarian immediately.

Heartgard Plus Chews (Small Dogs) offer a convenient and effective solution for preventing heartworm disease and controlling roundworms and hookworms in small dogs. By understanding the benefits, considerations, and proper use of this medication, you can ensure your furry companion receives the necessary protection against these harmful parasites. Remember, consulting your veterinarian before starting your dog on Heartgard Plus is vital to ensure it’s the right choice for their individual needs.



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